2023-2024 UMA Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Liberal Studies
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Admissions: 1-877-UMA-1234 ext. 3465 or (207) 621-3465
Advising Center: 1-877-UMA-1234 ext. 3149 or (207) 621-3149
Coordinator: Sarah Hentgesr (207) 262-7762 sarah.hentges@maine.edu
Website: www.uma.edu/academics/programs/liberal-studies/
Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies
The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies program is a flexible degree program that allows you to shape the curriculum to best meet your needs and interests. It provides you with a foundation in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and natural sciences. Choose to add a concentration, minor or certificate to achieve a deeper understanding of a specific area.
Program Objectives
The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies is designed to provide students with a foundation in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and natural sciences. Additionally, students will have an opportunity to achieve deeper understanding within a chosen area of concentration or through a curriculum more personally constructed with the help of an academic advisor.
The Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies builds on the existing Associate of Arts degree program in Liberal Studies and offers the most flexible B.A. degree at the University of Maine at Augusta. Students will complete General Education requirements, and be guided to choose a structured concentration and/or construct a curriculum to meet their established educational and/or career goals.
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the program will have the capacity to succeed in the arts, public policy, business and teaching. Liberal Studies is particularly appropriate for professional careers requiring understanding of interrelationships between complex cultures and systems.
Graduates of the program will:
- be prepared for entry into a post baccalaureate degree program
- be exposed to situations that promote critical thinking and problem solving skills
- have a solid baccalaureate liberal arts general education and least an intermediate level exposure to a specific university discipline
- have an enhanced ability for professional advancement and/or career and lifestyle changes
- have effective verbal and written skills
- have research skills to facilitate lifelong learning
- be exposed to intellectual and cultural diversity
Admissions Requirements (see UMA general requirements)
Graduation Requirements
- A cumulative average of at least 2.0
- Students are required to declare a minor.
- Students must satisfy UMA’s residency requirement for the degree, or be given a waiver from the appropriate dean(s).
Associate of Art in Liberal Studies
Program Objectives
The Associate of Art in Liberal Studies Program offers every Maine citizen access to two years of high quality college education in the best liberal arts tradition. The program endeavors to provide a foundation in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and natural sciences. With 21 credit hours in free electives, this associate degree affords the student great flexibility in shaping his/her educational experience toward a specific goal or simply the opportunity to discover where one’s academic strengths and interests may lie.
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the program will have:
- effective verbal and written communication skills
- the ability to think critically and problem solve
- a foundation in humanities, social sciences, math, and natural sciences
- technological and computer skills appropriate to entry-level positions and/or baccalaureate degree work
- adequate preparation for entry into a bachelor of arts program at the junior level
- the skills necessary for basic research and life-long learning
- an awareness of global and multicultural concerns
For those who graduate and wish to continue their college education toward a baccalaureate degree, liberal studies courses are transferable to appropriate baccalaureate programs, and students who successfully gain admission to such programs normally enter as juniors.
Other Minors & Certificates
Minors: Accounting; Addiction Studies; Advocacy; American Studies; Art; Art History; Behavioral Science; Biology; Business Administration; Computer Information Systems; Computer Networking; Cyber Forensics; Cybersecurity; Data Science; Early Childhood Services; Early Childhood Teacher (081); Education Studies; English; Financial Services; Fraud Examination; French; Geriatric Human Services; Grief, Loss, and Trauma; History; Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Studies; Human Resource Management; Human Services; Information and Library Science; Justice Studies; Mathematics; Music; Music Business; Natural Science; Philosophy; Photography; Psychology; Public Administration; Self-Designed; Small Business Management; Sociology; Special Education; Web Application; and Women and Gender Studies.
Certificates: Accounting; Advanced Aviation; Child & Youth Care Practitioner; CIS; Community Corrections; Community Policing; Crime Analysis and GIS; Cyber Forensics; Cybersecurity; Data Science; Database; Dental Assisting; Digital Forensics; Domestic Public Services; Domestic Services; Early Childhood Teacher (081); Early Elementary Education (029); Elementary Education (020); Forensic Science; Fraud Examination; French; Health Informatics; Human Resource Management; Human Services; Information Assurance, Information & Library Science; International Public Service; International Service; Mediation, Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician/Community; National Security; Network Security Analyst; Paralegal Studies; Programming; Psychiatric In-Patient Care; Secondary Education; Secondary Education - Math Content Area; Secure Application Development; Security; Social Media; Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Technician; Teaching Assistant I & II; Unmanned Aerial Systems Operations; Web Design & Development; and Web Development.
Career Opportunities
Skills You’ll Acquire
Liberal Studies students possess an inquisitive nature and tenacious spirit, traits that serve them well as they begin exploring career and educational options. As students near completion of their degree requirements, they are more focused in their personal and work lives and are better able to communicate their thoughts and needs to others. These skills, as well as the ones noted below, are ones that many Liberal Studies student acquire.
- Understanding cultural differences
- Working collaboratively
- Assessing human needs
- Listening
- Recognizing social processes
Problem Solving
- Interpreting numerical data
- Evaluating information
- Defining a problem
- Setting priorities
- Making decisions
- Gathering information/research
- Presenting ideas effectively
- Speaking publicly
- Writing reports
- Justifying a position
- Reading critically
- Attending to details
- Managing Information
- Coordinating tasks
- Meeting deadlines
- Developing projects
- Planning
Careers You Can Seek
Today’s employers have a strong bias toward employing candidates with a college education because college graduates tend to have stronger analytical thinking, decision-making, communication, and learning skills than non-college graduates. These broad skills provide a strong base for a career in virtually any field. Students who pursue the Liberal Studies degree to completion may be found performing various roles in business, social/human services, education, health care and government.
ProgramsAssociate of ArtsBachelor of ArtsMinor
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