Feb 10, 2025  
2021-2022 UMA Catalog 
2021-2022 UMA Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition, Fees, and Payment Policies

The financial requirements of the University, changing costs, State and legislative action, and other matters may require an adjustment of charges and expenses. The University reserves the right to make such changes at any time. The applicant acknowledges this by the submission of an application for admission or by registration. Transcripts and/or diplomas will be released after all monies due the University of Maine System are paid in full.


Tuition, fees and other educational costs are approved annually for each of the seven campuses of the University of Maine System by the Board of Trustees. UMA students enrolled in classes offered by other University of Maine campuses should consult that campus for information pertaining to billing and refund policies, amounts, and dates.

The Academic Year 2020-2021 tuition, fees and other educational costs listed below are those in effect at the time this catalog was printed. The rates below may be amended between the time of registration and the beginning of Fall 2020 classes, pending annual Board of Trustees review.

  In-state/Canadian $245 per credit hour
  Out-of-State $592 per credit hour
  Out-of State Web $306 per credit hour
  NEBHE $392 per credit hour
  Early College $138.25 per credit hour
        In-state/Canadian $432 per credit hour     
  Out-of State $540 per credit hour
  NEBHE $713 per credit hour

MANDATORY FEES (required of all students):

  *Student Activity fee $2.25 per credit hour
  Unified fee - Augusta/Bangor $32.00 per credit hour
  Unified fee - Online $32.00 per credit hour
  Unified fee - UMA Centers $14.00 per credit hour
*MAJOR FEES: (required of students who are in the following major)
  Music Major fee $75
  Task Stream (EDU) $139
OTHER FEES: (charged where appropriate)**
  Advance Enrollment Deposit $50
  Distance Learning fee $12 per credit hour
  Assessed for ITV, VC and live UMA Center classes, ITV receive classes at Augusta/Bangor campuses and Online courses
  Distance Learning Technology fee $6 per credit hour
  Assessed for all courses at UMA centers and sites
  Late Payment fee $25 per month up to 4x per semester
  Payment Plan (non-refundable) $30 per semester
  ($10 charge per late installment on 3 or 4-installment plan)
  Non-negotiable check fee $25 per check
  Shelter Institute Posting Fee $50
  *fees not assessed during the Summer terms
  **For a complete listing of exam and PLA fees, contact the Advising Center or visit https://www.uma.edu/academics/pla/

Course Fees

Course fees are applied to specific courses to assist with covering extraordinary costs associated with offering that course.
Visit our Website at https://www.uma.edu/financial/costs/tuition/ for a detailed explanation of fees and a complete listing of course fees.

Student Health Insurance

Due to University of Maine System policy, all students registered for at least nine credits or accepted into a degree program with a health insurance requirement are required to carry health insurance throughout the school year. UMA provides access to an affordable, year round insurance plan for qualified students. Students with appropriate outside insurance may choose to waive the health insurance plan through the online process; all others must enroll or will be automatically enrolled and billed at the end of the waiver period. Descriptive materials are available at all locations, online and by calling the insurance company.

Payment Policies

Students may register without payment until approximately two weeks prior to the start of the fall and spring semesters. Students registering during the early registration period will be billed and payment will be due on the date specified in the current semester’s course guide. Students registering for summer session are required to pay approximately one week before courses begin; payment due date will be clearly published on the Money Matters.

Students registering after a semester’s early registration period have the following payment options:

  • pay charges in full or
  • join a payment plan and make the first payment or
  • have a third party payment authorization in hand or on file in the Office of Student Financial Services and pay charges the third party will not pay or
  • have secured financial aid

Four-installment monthly payment plans are available during the fall and spring semesters; summer sessions offer a three-installment payment plan option. These plans allow students to split semester charges into three or four equal installments. Additional information is available from the office of Student Financial Services.

Refund Policy (Drop and Withdrawal)

For purposes of calculating tuition adjustments, dropping courses is defined as a reduction in course load while remaining enrolled in the University (the student drops one or more courses, but not all courses).

Withdrawal is defined as students who give official communication to the Registrar’s Office, Academic Advising staff or Enrollment Support & Information Services of their withdrawal to the University after a semester/session begins. (The student is withdrawing from ALL classes and is leaving the University.)

For classes 12 weeks or longer, students have two weeks from the starting date of the session to drop or withdraw and receive a full reversal of tuition and fee charges.

No adjustments are generated and all charges remain due for courses dropped beyond the two-week add/drop period. Should a student withdraw entirely, adjustments to charges are as follows:

  100% prior to the end of the second week (14 days)
  75% prior to the end of the fourth week (28 days)
  50% prior to the end of the sixth week (42 days)
  25% prior to the end of the eighth week (56 days)
  0% after the eighth week (57 days and after)

For classes less than 12 weeks, refunds for drops or withdrawals are calculated as follows:

  Classes 11 weeks in length:
  100% prior to the end of the eleventh day (11 days)
  Classes 10 weeks in length:
  100% prior to the end of the tenth day (10 days)
  Classes 9 weeks in length:
  100% prior to the end of the ninth day (9 days)
  Classes 8 weeks in length:
  100% prior to the end of the eighth day (8 days)
  Classes 7 weeks in length:
  100% prior to the end of the seventh day (7 days)
  Classes 6 weeks in length:
  100% prior to the end of the sixth day (6 days)
  Classes 5 weeks in length:
  100% prior to the end of the fifth day (5 days)
  Classes 4 weeks in length:
  100% prior to the end of the fourth day (4 days)
  Classes 3 weeks in length:
  100% prior to the end of the third day (3 days)
  Classes 2 weeks in length:
  100% prior to the end of the second day (2 days)
  Classes 1 week or less in length:
  100% prior to the end of the first day (1 day)
  *Due to the compressed nature of many summer courses, drop/withdrawal dates and credits vary. Contact the Student Financial Services Office for specific course information for classes lasting less than 12 weeks.

Multi-Campus Students:

Tuition, fees and other educational costs are approved annually for each of the seven campuses of the University of Maine System by the Board of Trustees. UMA students enrolled in classes hosted by other University of Maine campuses should consult that campus for information pertaining to billing and refund policies, amounts, and dates. Students who plan to use financial aid to pay for a course at another campus must secure an away form in order for payment to be made.


In accordance with Federal regulations, financial assistance may be adjusted for aid recipients who reduce enrolled credit hours, withdraw during the semester, or do not academically complete the semester. A portion of awarded financial aid will be refunded to the Title IV programs as required by the U.S. Department of Education. Such financial aid calculations due to changes in actual credit hours from expected credit hours used in the calculation of the aid award may result in the student owing a balance to the University.

Involuntary Withdrawal and Appeals

Refunds of tuition and fees for involuntary withdrawals such as extended illness or military service will be considered by the University on a case-by-case basis. Students must complete and return the Student Appeals Form along with required documents. Normally, requests for refunds of tuition and fees will be considered for up to 90 days after the close of the semester/session for which the student is requesting an adjustment.

University academic committees hear appeals on academic matters and have no authority to authorize refunds.

Administrative dismissals are not covered by this policy and are not entitled to refunds of institutional charges.