Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 UMA Catalog 
2024-2025 UMA Catalog

Academic Policies

Course Numbering

X non-credit community service courses
001-049 no degree credit
050-099 associate degree, vocational courses, or courses normally not transferable toward a baccalaureate degree
100-299 associate and/or lower-level baccalaureate degree courses
300-399 upper-level baccalaureate courses
400-499 upper-level baccalaureate courses; may be taken for graduate credit with appropriate qualifications and permission
100H-499H honors level
500-599 graduate level courses; may be taken for undergraduate credit with appropriate qualification and permission
600-799 graduate, doctoral, and professional courses

Grading System

Grades are assigned as letters with the following descriptors:

A excellent
B good
C satisfactory
D low-level passing; below average
F failure; computed into GPA as 0.00
F* failure; pass/fail course; not computed in GPA
AU audit
I incomplete work; will convert to an F if work is not made up within a maximum of 150 days.
L never attended or stopped attending; not officially withdrawn; computed into GPA as 0.00
LP low pass; for pass/fail course; not used in computing grade point averages but counted towards degree credit; represents grades of D+, D, or D-
MG missing grade (no grade submitted by instructor)
P passed (for pass/fail course; not computed in GPA) represents grades of A through C-
W The grade of W, withdraw, is posted if you drop the course during the first 60% of the semester. A W is
not computed into the grade point average. After the 60% point, the grade of WF may be assigned.
WF The grade awarded when a course is dropped after the 60% point of the term is completed depends on your performance up to the point. If you are passing the course, a grade of W is awarded. If you are failing the course at the time of withdrawal, the grade of WF, withdraw failing, may be assigned. A WF is computed into the grade point average as a failing grade.

Grade Point Averages

The cumulative average shall be computed at the end of each semester. The following represents the grading scale:

  A 4.00 B+ 3.33 C+ 2.33 D+ 1.33 F 0.00
  A- 3.67 B 3.00 C 2.00 D 1.00 L 0.00
    B- 2.67 C- 1.67 D- 0.67 WF 0.00

To compute the grade point average for a semester, multiply the grade points earned in each course by the number of credit hours, which results in quality points. Divide the number of quality points by the number of credit hours carried. The grade point average is carried to two decimal places.

Incomplete Grades

An “Incomplete” is a temporary grade indicating that specific arrangements have been made with the instructor to complete work by a later date, not to exceed 150 days after the end of the term. If a student has completed almost all of the work for a course, an Incomplete grade may be appropriate. An Incomplete may be extended once by the instructor for a period not to exceed 150 days. Any additional extension of an incomplete grade by the instructor requires the Dean’s approval.

Awarding of the incomplete grade is at the discretion of the instructor. If the incomplete grade is determined to be appropriate, the instructor will complete the Incomplete Grade Contract in MaineStreet, which specifies the following:

  • The work to be completed by the student.
  • The date by which the student will complete the work, not to exceed 150 days after the end of the term.
  • The grade the student will receive if the work is not completed. If no grade is specified, the Incomplete is converted to an “F” after 150 days or as specified by the contract.

Individual faculty and academic programs may have additional policies regarding the awarding of the grade of incomplete.

Pass/Fail Grading

The purpose of a system of pass/fail grading is to encourage students to enroll in courses outside their area of concentration with a minimum of threat to their grade point averages. This permits students to develop broader, more varied intellectual interests.

  • All students are eligible to enroll.
  • A student may not take more than one course per semester on a pass/fail basis.
  • A course taken on a pass/fail basis may not be used to fulfill core, major, or minor requirements unless the course is only offered on a pass/fail basis or is credit awarded based on assessment of prior learning.
  • “Pass” grades will not be used in computing grade point averages but will be counted toward degree credit. The P grade is assigned if a student earns a grade of A through C- in a course.
  • “Low pass” grades will not be used in computing grade point averages but will be counted toward degree credit. The LP grade is assigned if a student earns a D+, D, or D- in a course.
  • A failing grade, although recorded as an “F,” will not be computed in the student’s cumulative grade point average.
  • Students must request pass/fail status at the time of registration. The deadline for changing to pass/fail status is the end of the add-drop period.


A student who wishes to attend a course as an auditor notifies the Registrar’s Office at the time of registration. Grades are not assigned when courses are audited. An audited course cannot be changed to credit status by taking examinations. Tuition for audited courses is the same as for those taken for regular credit. Any change in audit status must be accomplished during the add-drop period.

Course Repeat Policy

When a student repeats a course, the last attempt is considered the official grade and is used in the computation of the student’s GPA. Earlier grades remain on the record, but are removed from the GPA. (The transcript is appropriately noted). Previously earned credit will be removed if the course repeated is failed.

Grade Reports

Grades generally are available within two weeks after the end of the semester. Students can access their grades through their self-service center in MaineStreet, the UMS online student information system. Considerable care is taken to ensure that course registrations and grades entered on a student’s permanent record are accurate. Any student who suspects that an error has been made should take up the matter with the Registrar within six months of the completion of a course. Any student may appeal a grade by contacting the instructor. If this does not produce satisfactory results, consult the student handbook for detailed grievance procedures.

Academic Action

Academic Probation: The student whose grade point average indicates that he or she will have difficulty graduating with a 2.00 GPA is notified of this possibility. The student is still entitled to all rights and benefits of other degree candidates. Students on academic probation are required to meet with an academic advisor prior to course registration. No other sanctions are placed upon him or her. Academic probation may affect financial aid awards.

Suspension: Regardless of the GPA, no student is academically suspended without first having been placed on academic probation for one semester. If, after at least one semester on probation, a student fails to raise his or her GPA to an acceptable level, the Registrar, upon the recommendation of the appropriate College Dean, will take suspension action against the student. The student will not be permitted to register at the University for one semester (summer term may not be used as the suspension semester), but may submit an appeal to the Provost if he or she feels the committee should consider other information. The student may resume studies for the next term after consultation with an academic advisor. Students in limited capacity programs will be converted to liberal studies and will be required to meet program entrance requirements and to submit a Change of Program form to be considered for re-entry to the program. Students who are suspended for a second time will lose their degree status, but may apply for readmission after a semester of suspension.

Credit Hours GPA Status
0-6 0.00-1.49 Probation, conditions for continued enrollment defined
7-23 1.50-1.70 Probation
0.00-1.49 Suspension
24-53 1.70-1.90 Probation
0.00-1.69 Suspension
54-83 1.80-1.99 Probation
0.00-1.79 Suspension
84 plus 1.80-1.99 Probation
0.00-1.79 Suspension

President’s List and Dean’s List

The President’s List and the Dean’s List are two ways the university recognizes academic excellence. Qualifying for these achievements is posted on the student’s academic record.

To be eligible a student must be matriculated in a UMA degree program. Students enrolled at multiple campuses need to be registered in at least three credit hours at UMA unless they are enrolled in a collaborative program.

The President’s and Dean’s List are generated 35 calendar days after the last day of the fall and spring semesters. A student with any Incomplete or Missing Grades for the semester when the records are reviewed is not eligible. Upon application to the appropriate academic dean, a student will be placed on the List retroactively if the criteria for the achievement are met after the list has been prepared.

President’s List

A President’s List will comprise the names of students who are completing 12 or more credit hours of 100-level or higher UMA and/or University of Maine System courses (exclusive of pass/fail courses) and have a GPA of 3.80 or higher in those courses.

Dean’s List 

A Dean’s List will comprise the names of students who are completing 12 or more credit hours of 100-level or higher UMA and/or University of Maine System courses (exclusive of pass/fail courses) and have a GPA of 3.25 - 3.79, with no grades lower than a “C-” in those courses.

President’s List and Dean’s List for Part-Time Students

UMA recognizes the academic achievements of part-time students each spring by naming them to either the President’s List for part-time students or the Dean’s List for part-time students. Qualifying for these achievements is posted on the student’s academic record.  To be eligible for this academic recognition, students must:

  • complete a minimum of 12 credit hours of 100-level or higher of UMA and/or University of Maine System coursework (exclusive of pass/fail courses) during two consecutive semesters in an academic year (fall and spring);
  • take no more than 11 credit hours of 100-level UMA or University of Maine System coursework in either semester.

The President’s List for part-time students recognizes the achievements of students with a combined GPA of 3.80 or higher over the two consecutive semesters in those courses.

The Dean’s List for part-time students recognizes students with a combined GPA of 3.25 -3.79 over the two consecutive semesters, with no grades lower than a “C-“ in those courses.


During each semester, two to four preliminary examinations may be administered in courses at the discretion of the faculty member. At the end of the semester, a final examination may be held in each course. Final examinations are normally scheduled for the last class meeting of each course.

Academic Minors

A minor is a secondary area of specialization and competence, which further prepares a student for a career and/or graduate work. Students who successfully complete a baccalaureate degree along with the required course work in a minor will have the minor officially noted on their transcripts. A minimum of 25% of the credits required for a minor needs to be earned at UMA for it to be awarded.

  • Minors are only available to students matriculated in baccalaureate programs. Students who wish to strengthen their major or supplement their professional preparation may select an approved minor.
  • Minors can be declared by the student at the time of application for graduation. However, UMA strongly recommends that a student work with his/her academic advisor to identify an advisor for the student’s elected minor at the earliest possible date.
  • Check sheets for all minors are available in the Advising Center, appropriate college offices, and on line.
  • A student may be awarded any minor as long as no more than six credits of the minor are required to fulfill the requirements of the student’s major or concentration (e.g., one may earn a B.S. in business administration with a major in management [six credit hours of accounting required] and a minor in accounting).
  • A maximum of six credit overlap is allowed between minors for students earning multiple minors. The following minors are exempt from this policy: Early Childhood Teacher (081), Early Elementary Education (029), Elementary Education (020), Secondary Education Life Sciences (395), Secondary Education Social Sciences (200), Secondary Education Mathematics (300), Secondary Education Physical Science (350) and Secondary Education English (100).

The Educated Person

The mission of the University of Maine at Augusta is to graduate educated persons. Educated persons have a broad base of skills and knowledge that make UMA graduates adaptable and innovative leaders in their communities. They can communicate clearly, both in speaking and in writing, are able to use math to solve real world and academic problems and demonstrate an understanding of the natural and social sciences, as well as the methodologies for investigating them. They can exchange, retrieve, and communicate information using current and emerging technologies, as well as reflect upon the role of those technologies in society. Through this pursuit of knowledge, educated persons have experienced diverse social, artistic, and intellectual cultures, and have explored their expressive voices as creative human beings. Educated persons are flexible, reflective, ethical, and self-aware thinkers who distinguish facts from opinion, and understand and seek out multiple perspectives. Finally, educated persons embrace lifelong learning as integral to their own personal wellbeing as well as for the benefit of their communities.

General Education Waiver Policy

Students who have completed a prior Baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution are exempt from completing the UMA General Education requirements. Students must still meet the major requirements, other program requirements, residency and overall credit hour requirements in UMA programs. 

Core and General Education Requirements

It is the intention of the University of Maine at Augusta that every degree graduate will be prepared to function in our society as an effective and informed citizen. To this end, the faculty has designed a set of minimum expectations that students are expected to satisfy. These aspirations are defined by core skills, competencies, and abilities as well as knowledge based learning experiences that are the grounds for the General Education Requirements.

General Education Requirements

Baccalaureate Level (40 credits) Associate Level (25 credits)
Written Communication:
ENG 101  (3)
Written Communication:
ENG 101  (3)
Written Communication:
ENG 102W , ENG 210W  , ENG 317W , ENG 363W , or ENG 370W  (3)
Writing Intensive Course (3)
Written Communication:
Complete one upper-level writing intensive course within the major (3)
Oral Communication:
COM 1xx (3)
Oral Communication:
COM 1xx (3)
Quantitative Reasoning:
MAT 1xx (3)
Quantitative Reasoning:
MAT 1xx (3)
Fine Arts:
One of the following (3): AME/ARH/INT 315E, AME 389 ARC 100 , ARH xxx, ART xxx, ART 330 /ENG 330 /INT 330 , DRA xxx, ENG 351W , ENG 370W ENG 452W HUM 289 HUM 389 /WGS 389 , MUS 1xx, MUH 1xx, MUH 333 , WGS/AME/HGH/INT 345E 
Fine Arts:
One of the following (3): AME/ARH/INT 315E, AME 389 ARC 100 , ARH xxx, ART xxx, ART 330 /ENG 330 /INT 330 ​, DRA xxx, ENG 351W ENG 370W ENG 452W HUM 289 HUM 389 /WGS 389  MUS 1xx, MUH 1xx, MUH 333 , WGS/AME/HGH/INT 345E
Complete TWO of the following (6): AME xxx, ARH 105 , ARH 106 ART 330 /ENG 330 /INT 330 ​, ASL 101  or ASL 102 , DRA xxx, ENG xxx (not ENG 100  ENG 101  ENG 210W  ENG 317W  or ENG 320W  ), FRE xxx, HGH xxx, HTY xxx, HUM xxx, MUH xxx, PHI xxx, SPA xxx, WGS xxx
Complete ONE of the following (3): AME xxx, ARH 105 , ARH 106 ART 330 /ENG 330 /INT 330 ​, ASL 101  or ASL 102 , DRA xxx, ENG xxx (except ENG 100 , ENG 101 , ENG 210W ENG 317W  or ENG 320W ​), FRE xxx, HGH xxx, HTY xxx, HUM xxx, MUH xxx, PHI xxx, SPA xxx, WGS xxx
Natural Sciences:
any 100-level Lab Science (4)
Natural Sciences:
any 100-level Lab Science (4)
Computer Science:
Complete one of the following (3): CIS 100  or CIS 101  
Social Science:
Complete TWO of the following (6): ANT 1xx, ECO 1xx, ECO 201 , ECO 202 , JUS 1xx, POS 1xx, PSY 1xx, SOC 1xx, SSC 1xx
Social Science:
Complete ONE of the following (3): ANT 1xx, ECO 1xx, ECO 201 , ECO 202 , JUS 1xx, POS 1xx, PSY 1xx, SOC 1xx, SSC 1xx
Cultural Diversity:
Complete one of the following (3): ART 330 /ENG 330 /INT 330 ​, COL 123 ENG 102W , ENG 2xx, EDU 200W , POS 361 /BUA 361 , POS 365 /BUA 365 , BUA 420 , FRE 203 , FRE 204 HUM 289 HUM 389 /WGS 389 , INT/HUM/REL 110E, PSY 385 , SPA 1xx, SPA 2xx, ASL 1xx, ASL 2xx, WGS xxx, WGS/AME/HGH/INT 345E

A single course can serve as a site for multiple program and general education learning outcomes (e.g. diversity and oral communication) so long as data is used to affirm the achievement of each outcome and a program meets the 40 or 20 credit hour NECHE requirement for each student.

Learning Outcomes for Core Skills, Competencies, and Abilities

Written Communications:

The UMA graduate will demonstrate the skills to write clearly and effectively. The UMA graduate will be able to:

  • write effectively in the following formats: essay, research report, literature review;
  • organize and manipulate sentences, paragraphs and documents to achieve coherence and clarity, using correct diction and grammar;
  • find, evaluate, integrate, and site sources, using an appropriate citation style;
  • evaluate the needs, background, and values of an audience and adapt the writing accordingly;
  • revise and edit written documents as well as produce documents in electronic format;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the vocabulary used in the academic discipline of rhetoric;
  • demonstrate an understanding of and effectively employ the vocabulary of one’s major and/or minor when writing discipline-specific documents.

Oral Communications:

The UMA graduate will be able to communicate clearly and effectively in a variety of settings and will be able to:

  • organize and present complex material at appropriate levels of abstraction and technical detail for the audience;
  • communicate clearly, concisely, and effectively with clarity, tone, diction, gesture, affect, volume, and presence suitable to the situation;
  • process information with others in a productive manner as well as practice active and appropriate listening skills;
  • evaluate the needs, background, and values of an audience and adjust communications as necessary
  • make a persuasive and logical case for a plan of action and/or a particular point of view;
  • recognize the strengths, weaknesses, and assumptions of oral arguments;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the vocabulary used in the academic discipline of oral communications;
  • demonstrate an understanding of and effectively employ the vocabulary of one’s major and/or minor in oral discourse.

Quantitative Skills:

The UMA graduate will possess competence in quantitative reasoning and will be able to:

  • demonstrate a variety of problem-solving strategies needed to analyze quantitative problems and determine appropriate solutions;
  • evaluate practical quantitative problems and translate them into appropriate mathematical statements and their solutions;
  • “use technology appropriately to assist in representation, organization, and data collection” as per the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards 2000;
  • use statistical and numerical data and sound reasoning skills to discuss effectively and write convincing mathematical arguments;
  • perform arithmetic operations, develop relationships between abstract variables and concrete applications, recognize mathematical functions, and draw appropriate conclusions from numerical information;
  • demonstrate an understanding of and effectively employ the language and vocabulary used in the academic discipline of mathematics.

Natural Scientific Inquiry:

The UMA graduate will understand how the principles, theories, and methods of science relate to our expanding understanding of the natural world. Students will be able to critically evaluate science-based information.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of basic knowledge and general concepts in the natural sciences.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the contribution, potential impact, and domain of science in society and the natural world.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method and how it is used to advance evidence-based knowledge.
  • Demonstrate competence in applying the methods of scientific inquiry through laboratory practices.
  • Demonstrate an ability to apply scientific knowledge and to critically assess real-world issues and make informed decisions.

Social Science:

The UMA graduate will understand how anthropology, sociology, psychology, political science, geography, and/or economics shape culture and will be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of basic theories within one or more social science, including anthropology, psychology, political science, sociology, economics, and geography;
  • acknowledge the variability and complexity of human societies and cultures;
  • demonstrate an understanding of social science information resources available through the library as well as other information sources’
  • demonstrate an understanding of social systems, including their biological and psychological determinants;
  • demonstrate an understanding of social and cultural value systems;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the social institutions that shape our society;
  • apply social science perspectives, research, and information to other disciplines and professional studies;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the vocabulary used in one of the social science disciplines.


The UMA graduate will exhibit an understanding of ideas, events, cultures and languages through which societies have evolved and will be able to:

  • evaluate, analyze and compare significant texts, using historical contexts and a variety of cultural perspectives;
  • describe and analyze how texts reflect the culture(s) that produced them within a global context;
  • analyze and interpret the ideas of “value” and “meaning” from a variety of humanities perspectives;
  • articulate and defend a thoughtful assessment of these ideas;
  • interpret meaning from a variety of media and construct, as well as appreciate alternative interpretations;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the vocabulary used in one or more of the disciplines within the humanities (e.g., literacy or historical terminology).

Fine Arts:

The UMA graduate will understand the modes of expression within one or more areas of art (including, but not limited to visual arts, architecture, music, dance, theater, and cinematography) and will be able to do four of the following:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the compositional elements within a work of art;
  • identify and describe important works of art within a given genre;
  • demonstrate an understanding of cultural influences on artworks;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which art influences society;
  • provide a cogent interpretation for a chosen work of art;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the vocabulary used in one of the disciplines within the arts.

Cultural Diversity:

The UMA graduate will be able to identify, discuss, analyze and evaluate issues pertaining to diversity and will be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of diversities within and among cultures, religions, races, ethnicities, genders, sexual identities, abilities, ages, and/or socioeconomic groups;
  • ​demonstrate an understanding of the scope and limitations of one’s own cultural perspective;
  • identify issues and problems that people from minority cultures have negotiating the dominant culture;
  • engage in critical inquiry into the problems, challenges and possibilities inherent in a diverse society;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the vocabulary used in one or more of the interdisciplinary studies of diversity.

Computer Literacy:

The UMA graduate will be able to use basic computer technology required to communicate in a technology-based society and will be able to:

  • demonstrate the function of computer hardware components required to input, store, and process data, including appropriate peripheral devices;
  • perform basic operating systems file maintenance commands;
  • use a word processor to create, edit, and save a short research paper;
  • manage and comprehend a spreadsheet to organize/summarize/visualize quantitative data;
  • build an electronic database to store and use information;
  • professionally present information using presentation software;
  • use appropriate technology to communicate electronically.

Critical Thinking:

The UMA graduate will be able to think critically and to:

  • develop well-reasoned arguments;
  • demonstrate evaluative skills such as the ability to distinguish fact from opinions, identify central issues and problems, classify data, judge credibility, predict consequences, recognize assumptions and inconsistencies, detect bias, plan alternate strategies, and evaluate arguments and hypotheses;
  • demonstrate thinking skills such as flexibility, precision, accuracy and/reflection;
  • identify and solve a variety of types of problems;
  • demonstrate the use of both inductive and deductive reasoning;
  • demonstrate creative thinking.

Information Literacy:

The UMA graduate will be able to find, evaluate, and use information from traditional and new technology sources and be able to:

  • determine the extent of information needed;
  • access the needed information effectively and efficiently;
  • evaluate information and its sources critically and constructively;
  • retain and integrate selected information into his or her knowledge base;
  • use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose;
  • demonstrate the ethical use of information.

Ethical Reasoning:

The UMA graduate will be able to assess their own ethical values and the social context of problems, recognize ethical issues in a variety of setting, think about how different ethical perspectives might be applied to ethical dilemmas, consider the ramifications of alternative actions, and to:

  • analyze and discuss in depth both core beliefs and the origins of the core beliefs;
  • identify and explain different ethical perspectives, concepts or theories;
  • recognize ethical issues when presented in a complex, multilayered (gray) contest AND recognize interrelationships between issues;
  • apply ethical perspectives/concepts to an ethical question, accurately, and consider the full implications of the application;
  • state a position and state the objections to, assumptions and implications of and can reasonably defend against the objections to, assumptions and implications of different ethical perspectives/concepts.

Writing Intensive Course Requirement

All UMA degree programs require students to complete one writing intensive course. This requirement reflects our belief that the ability to write clearly and effectively is a powerful tool for learning, thinking, and reflecting. We recognize that the development of writing skills requires guidance, feedback, and practice. The intent of the writing intensive course is to build upon the skills developed in ENG101, College Writing. Courses currently approved as meeting the writing intensive course requirement are identified in this catalog with a “W” following the course number.


Completion of Program of Study:

Students must satisfy the graduation requirements as stated in the catalog in effect for the first semester of their attendance as a matriculated student. Students whose matriculation has expired forfeit the right to pursue a degree according to the provisions of the original catalog. Instead, they are bound by the catalog in effect for the first semester as a readmitted student. At the student’s choice, a later catalog may be selected for graduation requirements, but an earlier one may not. In some cases, academic units have specific time limits for completion of graduation requirements. If so, such limits will be noted in the program section of this catalog. A GPA of 2.0 of higher in the major is required for graduation. For students earning the Bachelor of Art in Liberal Studies degree or Bachelor of Applied Science degree, a GPA of 2.0 or higher in the minor is required for graduation. Individual programs may set a higher GPA requirement for graduation.

Graduation Verification

Students who believe they are ready to graduate need to complete the candidacy for graduation form on the UMA website, even if they do not plan to attend the commencement ceremony. Applications should be submitted by December 1 for December completion and April 1 for May and August completion. Applications are processed in Enrollment and Information Services. Once the application is received, an audit is done. Students missing requirements are notified by letter with the missing requirement(s) listed.

Commencement Ceremony:

Commencement exercises are held once a year at the end of the spring semester. Students finishing their requirements in December, May, or August will be invited to attend the May ceremony. Applications should be submitted by December 1 for December completion and April 1 for May and August completions. The application for graduation is on our website at www.uma.edu.

Latin Honors:

In recognition of academic excellence, UMA awards degrees with Latin honors based on the student’s cumulative UMA GPA:

summa cum laude: 3.75 or higher GPA;
magna cum laude: 3.50 to 3.74 GPA;
cum laude: 3.25 to 3.49 GPA

Degree Residency Requirements:

To be eligible to receive an associate degree, a student must have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.00, fulfilled all program requirements, and have completed 15 credit hours in UMA courses, to include 9 credit hours in the major.

Baccalaureate degree candidates must have achieved a minimum GPA of 2.00, fulfilled all program requirements, and have completed 30 credit hours in UMA courses, to include 9 upper-level credits in the major, or 9 upper-level credits for students in the Bachelor of Applied Science. The cumulative grade point average computation includes all course work taken at UMA. Any exception to this rule will be reviewed by the college faculty and approved by the Dean of the College.

Nursing students must spend at least one year in the Nursing Program at UMA in order to meet regulations of the Maine State Board of Nursing. Appeals of this policy should be addressed, in writing, to the appropriate college dean. Exceptions are not normally granted except for extenuating circumstances.

Testing and Assessment (Credit for Learning Assessment)

The Academic Advising staff coordinates and administers credit for learning assessment (CLA) at UMA. Tools and strategies include placement tests in reading, writing, and mathematics for incoming students, credit-by-examination programs including CLEP, DANTES, challenge exams, advanced placement and credit via portfolio assessment. CLA credit does not universally apply toward residency. Visit https://www.uma.edu/academics/cpl/ for details.

Advanced Placement Program (AP)
The Advanced Placement Program (AP) sponsored by the College Board offers secondary school students the opportunity to participate in challenging college-level course work while still in high school. UMA recognizes specific AP grades enabling students to receive credit for their achievement. https://www.uma.edu/academics/cpl/examination/

Challenge Exams
Challenge examination is available to students who are enrolled in UMA degree programs. Challenge Exams are defined and prepared by UMA faculty. Matriculated UMA students who complete challenge exams that are created and evaluated by UMA faculty may use the credit earned toward the UMA residency requirement. NOTE: UMA Challenge Exams are only recognized by the University of Maine at Augusta. Credits cannot be transferred to other institutions. https://www.uma.edu/academics/cpl/examination/

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
UMA participates in CLEP for college credit. Students in UMA degree programs may earn a maximum of 45 credits through CLEP. CLEP credits cannot be used to meet UMA residency requirements.
UMA is also an open test center. This means that anyone who wishes to take CLEP exams at UMA may do so and the results can be sent to any CLEP participating institution. https://www.uma.edu/academics/cpl/examination/

Dantes (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support) Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
UMA is an open test center for anyone who wishes to take the DANTES examinations. https://www.uma.edu/academics/cpl/examination/

Foreign Language Achievement Testing Services (FLATS)
UMA currently accepts passing scores on the Brigham Young University FLATS exams.  Passing grades on 101 and 102 levels earns LAN 1xx (4 cr) and passing grades on the 101, 102 and 201 exams are awarded LAN 2xx (8 credits).

National League for Nursing (NLN) Exam
UMA currently accepts the following National League for Nursing (NLN) Exam for students matriculated in the RN-BSN completion program: Normal Nutrition (meets UMA’s RN-BSN BIO 104 requirement) & Physical Assessment (meets UMA’s RN-BSN NUR 301 requirement. https://www.uma.edu/academics/cpl/examination/

Portfolio Assessment
The University of Maine at Augusta recognizes that some students have previously acquired information and skills which may be equivalent to college-level courses. Portfolio assessment is a standardized process through which students can demonstrate knowledge and experience in a particular field in order to gain credit for specific UMA courses. Portfolio assessment involves compiling pertinent information into a portfolio and submitting it for faculty review. This process, including portfolio preparation and faculty review, usually requires several months. https://www.uma.edu/academics/cpl/portfolio/

External Training Review
UMA currently has an established process by which to award credit for external training programs. Once reviewed, approval of credit(s) award(ed) for external trainings are typically valid for five years, at which time another review is required. https://www.uma.edu/academics/cpl/externaltraining/

CPL Residency Policy

Credits earned through external exam or external credential review cannot be used toward meeting residency requirements. Thus, the following CPL credits cannot be used towards meeting UMA residency requirements:

  • Advanced Placement (AP) credits
  • CLEP Exam credits
  • DSST (DANTES) Exam credits
  • NLN (National League of Nursing) Exam credits
  • External Training/Credential Review credits
  • Military Training credits

The following CPL may be used toward meeting residency if they meet the stated criteria:

  • Challenge Exam credits must meet the following criteria in order for credits earned to count toward residency:
    • Students completing the exams must be matriculated
    • Exams must be created and evaluated by UMA faculty
  • Academic Portfolio credits must meet the following criteria in order for the credits earned to count toward residency:
    • Students must be matriculated
    • Portfolios must be evaluated by UMA faculty

No CPL opportunity will impact a student’s GPA in any way, regardless of the score a student earns on the exam. No credits earned through CPL at another University of Maine System institution will count toward the residency requirements for UMA. Exceptions to the CPL residency policy must be approved by the Dean’s Office of the college in which the student’s major resides.

Double Major:

Double majors are possible within a single baccalaureate degree. Both majors may be within the same college, or they may be in different colleges. Students may complete two different majors simultaneously with no prescribed increase in total credits beyond those required to satisfy both majors.

Students intending to complete the requirements of more than one major are required to declare their intent in writing to the dean of their college (or to the deans of both colleges, if the majors are in different colleges) prior to completion of 84 credit hours. At this time the student must declare a primary major. Students are encouraged to declare their intent to double-major at their earliest opportunity in order to minimize the number of credits required for graduation.

The baccalaureate degree granted will be that associated with the primary major, and the student is required to satisfy all of the requirements imposed by that college. To complete the second major, the student need only complete the specific requirements established for that major (including residency requirements). At no time can the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies degree, the Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies degree, or the Bachelor of Applied Science degree be a component of a double major. All requirements for both the primary and secondary major must be completed at the time the degree is awarded. The primary and secondary majors will be noted both on the diploma and on the transcript, worded according to the following example: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a second major in English, or Bachelor of Art in English, with a second major in Business Administration (depending upon which is designated the primary major).

Earning a Second Associate or Baccalaureate Degree:

To be eligible to receive a second associate degree, a student must complete an additional fifteen credit hours of course work and complete all program and residency requirements. To receive a second baccalaureate degree the requirements are the same as listed above, except the student must complete thirty credit hours. Students admitted to a baccalaureate degree may receive any associate degree once all degree requirements have been met.

Waiver of Degree Requirements:

It is the policy to substitute or waive degree requirements when faculty and the college dean feel that other courses, prior learning or extenuating circumstances warrant substitution or waiver of degree requirements. Since the academic units meet during the academic year, substitutions and waivers may not be attainable in the summer. The student is encouraged to meet with his or her academic advisor to discuss the degree requirement and the substitution or waiver process. The student must appeal the requirement in writing to his or her college dean. The dean will consult with appropriate academic personnel and then respond in writing to the student with an approval or denial of the substitution or waiver request. In some programs, more than one college must review the request. When substitutions and waivers are granted, they are granted only for the student’s current degree program. If the student changes programs or pursues an additional degree, the process would need to begin anew. Waivers and substitutions are not generally recorded on the permanent record unless credit is obtained through challenge or CLEP examinations, or a portfolio review process.


Degree students should meet with an advisor prior to registration for courses. Any student who wishes to register for more than 18 credits in a semester must have the written approval of an advisor or the college dean.

Add/Drop (Adjustments in Course Schedule)

A student is allowed to add courses during the regular add period, which generally is the first week of the semester. A student who wishes to drop some but not all of their classes may do so in MaineStreet. Students who wish to withdraw from all courses call the Enrollment and Information Services staff at 1-877-UMA-1234, the Registrar’s Office, the academic advising office, or their nearest UMA Center.

IMPORTANT: Refer to the online Student Handbook (deadlines section) on the UMA website for specific deadlines for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from courses. Courses offered in the course guide are subject to cancellation due to low enrollment.

Student Status

Full Time: Any student who is registered for 12 credit hours or more is considered full time.
Part Time: Any student who is registered for 11 credit hours or fewer is considered part time.

The majority of students attending UMA do so on a part-time basis and have the choice of attending during the day, the evening, online, or a combination of all three. Hesitancy to withdraw from the job market, family responsibilities, competing priorities, and financial demands are among the many reasons given for part-time attendance. We encourage students to proceed through their studies at a rate that recognizes both their educational objectives and the complexity of their lives. Students may change their status from one semester to another, but the financial aid implications of any such change should be carefully considered.

Students do not have to be enrolled in a degree program to take courses. We welcome non-degree students whose purpose in attending is often for professional development, career change or personal enrichment. UMA encourages part-time students to consult Enrollment and Information Services or the Academic Advising office to receive assistance in program planning and course selection to provide an appropriate sequence of courses to meet their needs Enrollment and Information Services Center staff are also available to assist students in exploring course and program offerings.

Residence Reclassification Policy

A student is classified as a resident or a nonresident for tuition purposes at the time of admission to the University. Prospective students should contact the Director of Student Accounts if they have questions concerning their residency status. Students enrolled as nonresident, who have reason to believe their residence status has changed, may contact the Director of Student Accounts for details on the rules governing residency classification.


Satisfactory attendance is determined in each course by the instructor, who will inform students during the first meeting of each class of the attendance requirements. Every student is expected to accept the responsibility for satisfactory attendance in each course for which he or she is registered.

Acceptable Conduct in Class Settings

As members of an academic community, we are committed to learning and practicing in ways that support a caring and socially just community. The following are examples of how we create and sustain a productive academic environment:

1. Facilitate an open, respectful, and caring environment.
2. Accept responsibility and accountability for one’s own behavior when interacting with others.
3. Explore controversial issues through open dialogue and respectful deliberation.
4. Respect freedom of expression while recognizing that such tolerance does not require agreement with expressed ideas.
5. Engage institutional resources and persons to resolve conflict when necessary.

The purpose of this policy is to foster a safe and supportive learning and work environment. Therefore, we will not tolerate harassing or discriminatory behavior in any form, and such behavior may constitute a violation of the UMS Conduct Code.

The University of Maine at Augusta has a commitment to free speech, academic freedom and civility. In a classroom or online learning environment, these freedoms are exercised through the norms established by the faculty and the institution. Faculty do play a distinct role for in person and virtual class settings rooted in their professional training and in the standards established by academic programs and departments, professional organizations, and accreditors. Students and faculty have an active role in fostering a healthy academic environment that supports learning and civil discourse. (UMS Section 212 Free Speech, Academic Freedom, and Civility

Student disruptions to the academic environment may be addressed by the faculty with formative feedback. Failure to adjust behaviors after faculty feedback may result in disciplinary measures via the UMS Student Code of Conduct. Faculty and students can reach out for help and support
from the Dean of Students, academic program coordinators, the dean of the College or other support services as needed.


Students considering withdrawing for serious personal or academic difficulties are strongly encouraged to meet with a faculty advisor, a college dean, their UMA Center Director, or the Academic Advising staff. Students who withdraw from all courses for any reason must do so by contacting the Registrar’s Office, the nearest UMA Center, or by calling the Enrollment and Information Services staff at 1-877-UMA-1234. Failure to officially withdraw exempts students from refund policies and may result in failing grades in all courses. Refer to the current course guide for specific withdrawal information.

Refund Calculation: The attendance period for the student begins on the opening day of scheduled campus classes and ends on the date the student notifies the Registrar or Enrollment and Information Services staff that he or she is dropping or withdrawing. This attendance period includes weekends, holidays, and snow days.

Transcript of Academic Record

Students’ official academic records are maintained in the Registrar’s Office. Transcripts of these records are not furnished to individuals, other institutions, or prospective employers without the written consent of the student concerned. There is no charge for a transcript. Transcript Request Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office in Augusta, at the Bangor campus, and at UMA Centers. A transcript request form may also be downloaded from the UMA website (http://www.uma.edu/compliance/transcripts/). Students also can submit a request for an official transcript through MaineStreet. Students can print unofficial transcripts from their student center in MaineStreet.